Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dont know what to think about yesterdays visit

The title tells you just about as much as have figured out. Our hematologist is not very forth coming with information UNLESS you ask the right questions. If we had any clue what was going on our questions would be much better than they have been. This week her hemogoblin was still at 8.9 (normal is at least 11) and her hemacrit was even lower than last week. Her neutraphil level was higher than last Thrusday, however the doc. doesnt think it was accurate. So he is running another test to make sure it was right, if so she is now at 2300. Which would indicate that she no longer has neutrapenia, HOWEVER the dr. thinks she might have cyclic neutrapenia (meaning that every 3 weeks her neutraphil levels will bottom out for the rest of her life). He has said that depending on her blood results next Tues. (our next appt.) we may have to have her blood drawn 2 times a week for 6-8 weeks to figure out what kind of pattern she has. He also mentioned possibly doing a bone marrow biospy. So once again we will be waiting to find out. The only plus is that they draw and run their own blood right there (a CBC anyways) and we have the results within minutes. What we can't figure out is why he would put her threw so much blood work when her blood level is so low right now. So if you are confused, join the club, we will update again next Tuesday when we HOPEFULLY know some more. Thanks for everyone who has kept her in your prayers.

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