Monday, June 8, 2009


Seven weeks ago Annaliese got sick and had to be hospitalized for dehydration, while there she has some blood work done. We found out that she didnt have an immune system due to the lack of neutrophils. We were told that if she was to run a fever that we HAD to take her to the ER immediately. A fever and neutropenia are not compatible. A fever could cause her to go septic and could kill her if not treated within just a few hours. We had been lucky that she had not had a fever, when you consider she has not had an immune system to fight any bug, well our worst fear came true this past Friday. She started to run a fever and had to be taken to the ER where she was put in isolation. Everyone that came into contact with her had to wear gowns, gloves, and masks. When she is fevering she has to have every test run because they have to find the infection. She had blood drawn, urine samples, x-rays, and was started immediately on IV antibotics. We talked to our hematologist/oncologist (Dr. B) and he wanted her transfered downtown to the Children's Hospital right away. She was taken by ambulance to the Children's Hospital where she was admitted onto the oncology floor. We met with Dr. B and it was decided that she would have a bone marrow aspiration done first thing in the morning. Bryan stayed with her during the procedure (ask him when you talk to him how that was) and then the waiting started. We got our results this afternoon and there is NO CANCERS at all. Her bone marrow is clean and shows no signs of being abnormal. Dr. B is now convinced that she has cyclic neutropenia and has done some genetic blood testing to see if this is long term or something she will outgrow. We will have the results back in 4-6 weeks. The treatment depends on her cycle and how low she will go. It could include preventative antibotics or nuepagen (spelled wrong I am sure) shots. Until then we are to continue to monitor her for fevers and if she gets them we have to take her to the ER to get her levels checked. We are hopeful she will outgrow this as we dont want to have anymore 4 day hospital stays. Here is Annaliese right after we got to the childrens hospital and another picture taken right before we left the hospital. Aside from the fun described above, we are also keeping an eye on Annaliese's hemoglobin levels which is slowly dropping. Today her hemoglobin level was 8.4 and normal is between 11 and 13.

1 comment:

  1. We still continue praying for you Annaliese - we love you!
