Sunday, April 12, 2009

We are back....

We got home from SLC on Friday and wanted to post some pictures of Owyn's surgery for you all to see. I am not sure how many of you have seen a child on versaid (sp) but it makes them very loopy. It relaxes them so they don't care what is going on around them. I thought you might enjoy this little clip of Owyn right before surgery....

His surgery only took just over an hour and we were on our way home within an hour of that. Owyn was pretty out of it. I took this picture on our way home.....this picture is not pretty...I have nicknamed this one the "morgue" picture..

To make the picture worse, that the night before in the hotel, Owyn fell out of the bed and hit the nightstand. He got a bloody nose, scratched under his nose, and had a rug burn on his forehead. He looked bad going to in and came out even worse.LOL But just a few hours later you would never know he had surgery if you didn't look at him. He was running around and playing like nothing ever happened.

He is still getting better, he actually never was more swollen than in this picture. He has some black eyes but otherwise he looks pretty good. We have to put drops in his eyes around 12-14 times a day and medicine on his incision line 2 times a day. We will not know how his eyes will look for at about 6 months. He will have swelling and puffiness for a while because of all the stitches (he has 40-50 in there). It went very well considering and am thankful for all the prayers on his behalf.

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad it went so well for him, you will have to post after it is all better! What a trooper of a kid, just looking at the pictures make me hurt!
